You know that little window to the right that shows you glimpses of different parts of the world? No? Well, look to the right. A little further...there. You see it? Well I put it there because I thought it would make me happy, and allow me a few blissful minutes of peace as I watched a tree blowing in the (smoke free) breeze in France, or a boat rocking in the (non-trash-filled) harbor in Syndey. I wanted to share this blissful peace with you, dear reader. Instead, it makes me MAD! Why are those lazy Frenchies eating at a quaint little bistro when I am stuck at work??? Why is it ALWAYS dark in Japan? (oh, right - time difference. Moving on.)
On a separate note, I am beginning to think that the radio staiton I listen to at work is a little, shall we say, inappropriate? I was digging through some files this morning (yes, WORKING) when I noticed a beep-beep-beeping coming from my office. When I went it to investigate, I realized that the DJ's were repeated hitting the cesonor button because some chum was wigging out about the Julie/Julia movie. This made me realize that my favorite station (KROQ, for those of you who might not know!) might be a little less than office friendly! Between the screaming music, the censored discussions, and generally un-office-y topics, I'm wondering if I shouldn't dial things down a bit. But, I'm still contemplating. I haven't done anything drastic yet! I mean, when I am here at 6:30 every morning, I NEED my Kevin and Bean fix to keep me going! What would I do without those guys?!? Speaking of which, anyone reading this needs to go to the KTLA website and vote for Kevin and Bean. If you vote for Ryan Seacrest, I'll cry big tears of sadness and never speak to you again. NEVER! Ryan is a pathetic looser with a lame sense of humor, and I don't like him. But, I also don't like Americal Idol or scrambled eggs, so I take it I'm not in the majority on most things.
That is all for now, dear friends. Carry on!
From my old blog (1-7-09), I bring my new readers a fun blog, & my old
readers a reminder of it's glory...
I wanted chinese tonight. I'm pregnant, that hap...