(singing) "Sixteen tons, and what'dya get? Another day older and deeper in debt." Well, tiny computer-dwellers, its week "who the hell cares anymore" of my adventure to loose a zillion pounds. And, well, this week wasn't what I'd hoped. I tried these things called FullBars last week. The idea behind them is that they are basically puffed wheat cereal. You eat a bar, drink 8oz of water, and then have your meal 30mins later.....with the waterlogged cereal taking up lots of room in your stomach, so you feel fuller faster. Yeah. Right. I ate my FullBars like clockwork. 30 mins later, I'd have a SlimFast shake. I was looking forward to Sunday morning, when I was just sure the scale would errupt into a round of applause, and I would discover that I'd lost 12 or 13 pounds. NOPE. I told the Huz's sister on Friday about my awesome FullBar find. She asked me how much I'd lost. So, I decided to step on the scale a bit early (and yes, I know that you can get different weights at different times of the day - I was just looking for a ballpark number at the time). Well, holy shit. I was 9 pounds HEAVIER than I'd been at the beginning of the week! I don't care what kind of time difference there is between when you normally weigh your self and when you just decide to "take a chance" and see how much you've lost - 9 pounds is more than most newborns weigh!!!! So, I freaked out. The Huz told me to get a grip and try again in the morning. Well, that attempt resulted in a number that was even MORE frustrating, because I couldn't blame the time of day on it. Yep, I'd gained 7 pounds in week. I didn't even gain that much in a trimester when I was pregnant! So, screw you, FullBars! I was SO looking forward to seeing a smaller number this week, too! Booo.
On a totally unrelated note - why the HELL is the radiostation in my office playing Michael Jackson every other song today? Nope, I don't listen to KROQ anymore in the office. Too much beeping and screaming music. That, and I'm getting older, so now I listen to KOST - easy listening/soft rock. I've turned into my 11th grade English teacher. I knew it was coming, but I'm surprised it happened so soon. I'm only 29, for crying out loud! Anyways, back to MJ - just because his kids came on stage last night at the Grammy's and accepted an award for their "daddy" (sorry, but those kids don't have a black gene in their pool) now I have to listen to Earth Song and Man in the Mirror? A smart person would change the station, but it's not that easy to do when you have to make minute adjustments to the dial until some fuzz starts to sound like it might be a song....only to turn out to be some Spanish love ballad. I do live in LA after all.
From my old blog (1-7-09), I bring my new readers a fun blog, & my old
readers a reminder of it's glory...
I wanted chinese tonight. I'm pregnant, that hap...