January 20, 2010

What's with all the wet stuff?

So, the world is falling apart. It is, after all, raining in LA. Ee-gads! The roads! They're wet! My car! It might shoot off into a ditch! I know! I'll drive slow! And put exclamation points after everything!

Sorry, but LA drivers, you blow. And I'm one of you. I'm one of the good drivers though. I can talk, text, eat a sandwhich, and rescue Lyla's toys, all while keeping it between the white lines. Ok, maybe not really, but I'm definitley a better driver than most of you. Well, some of you, at least. No? Damn.

I decided to brave the train today. Since it's, well, raining and all, I didn't want to be even later than I already was, so Lyla and I jumped on a train headed south. She squealed and screamed the whole way. I'm sure the 400 30-somethings in their perfectly pressed pant-suits and Iphones were glad to see me and my big-ass stroller coming up the handicapped ramp. We got the usual sideways glances and stares at her helmet, but she doesn't care. I'm starting to not care either. Not that I ever really cared so to speak, but, well, just don't stare at my kid so much, ok? I don't stare at that giant mole on your face, do I? Ok, well maybe I do. But you get my point.

Sooooo, yeah. I just arranged for our first non-adult babysitter! I feel like a normal parent! (normal parents get worried about a non-adult babysitter 3 weeks early, right?) Since Lyla's first birthday party will be on the 13th, the Huz and I are celebrating V-day a week early. How? Not a clue. I'm about as romantic as a gynocologist, so this is already going out on a limb for me. The Huz loves romantic crap though. He's all about anniversaries, PDA's, and bull honkey like that. Me? Noooot so much. But, he's my Huz, so I'll make an effort. He's been through hell this past year, so it's the least I can do. Now, for where to go. We don't have ANY money, so Lawry's is out (awwww....that's where we went last year, when I was 13 months pregnant and Lyla wasn't even named yet! Meeeem'riiiieeeessss.....) We went to this really cool placed called the Pacific Dining Car for our holiday breakfast at work in December, but that is probably too pricy too. Ugh. Knowing me and my lame romance-planning skillz, we'll end up at Burger King. Nice, huh?

It's funny. One of my favorite time-wasting websites is Babycenter.com. Actually, to be fair, a lot of the people I've met on their are nice, genuine, caring moms. Some people are total tools, though. So anways, whenever there is some "event" (like Haiti, for example) I can practically HEAR the clucking of nervous hens! All these women (and the occassional man) get so worked up - it's like spooking a bunch of chickens in a hen house. Not that I'd know what that's like, since I'm in LA and all (insert hair flip here). But, the SAME kind of clucking just filled my office when we had a power surge....and I was clucking right along with the rest of the hens! I will always be the first to point and laugh when other people act like idiots, but, just this once, I'm admitting that I was laughing at myself, too. Lame, huh?